Learning to Lean In & Love Your Whole Story

Since February is the month of LOVE, I thought I’d continue following the calendar (albeit a Hallmark calendar) and share a lesson I recently learned about leaning into and loving my whole story.

Please tell me you have had those situations, those projects, those life lessons that can’t stop providing teachable moments?

Some of them pushing you to the brink of your adult self…as in making you want to break down into a full on tantrum and throw something breakable against the brick wall you keep hitting? I definitely got reintroduced to my inner three year old self several months ago by a painting I was working on!

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Little Steps Lead To BIG Joy

What the heck is all this business about having a #SOULTATTOO and when am I going to stop #-ing it?  That, my dear friend, is a very good question. I know that all of you do not share my same framework of faith or beliefs. And I love that! But I do firmly believe that we all want to know our life has more meaning than the life of a gnat. So hashtag #SOULTATTOO… 😉

The deal, it seems to me the older I get, is our lives are largely about learning and re-learning how to live in our own skin and out of our most genuine selves in order to play our part in this amazing story God is writing (and I do mean play because it’s about deep joy).
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The Mean Girl In My Head & Living With Intention #SOULTATTOO

Hey there!

Thanks so much to each of you who reached out after the last post About #Resolutions, Rest & Your SOUL TATTOO and for coming along for the adventure of discovering and living out of your #SOULTATTOO.  

I am so glad some of you have decided to gather with a few of your peeps and travel together! Where two or more are gathered is such a good thing! I learned so much from my sweet friends last week as we gathered! I am so grateful for their honesty and encouragement and so look forward to going on this journey together!

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About #Resolutions, Rest & Your SOUL TATTOO

The end of 2016 found me stormy inside, frustrated by a year of trying to move into and on with the next chapter of business in our story. Picture a tropical storm stuck in a circling pattern at sea. (Such a positive word picture.)

Apparently, the Heavens have thought it best for Tropical Storm Annie to remain there until some things were downgraded into less destructive, more productive rainfall without the hurricane strength and furry. Go figure. Continue reading

The Hard Gift And The Art Of Transition

When I think of the word transition, I desperately want to imagine myself finding a secret passage way and walking through the wardrobe into the magical world of Narnia. Voila, just stepping from one world and into another!

The childhood wonder of that picture simultaneously creates a whirl of excitement and terror for me. It’s magical, mystical and filled with monsters of epic proportion that share the common goal and pleasure of my destruction (Dang, there goes the childhood wonder!).

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My Friend Michael, The Matador And The Fight For Your Soul

I have a dear friend who is 15 years younger than me and more often than not he pushes me to consider life from a different vantage point. His name is Michael.

Michael and I are unlikely friends because of our age difference and because he is a guy. But boy have we laughed, cried, argued, said I’m sorry and seen the best and the worst of each other. That happens when you work together for almost ten years.

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Never Forget This Place

Since 2010 I have been doing my best to chronicle my story of joy, sorrow, laughter, tears, victories, failures, courage and fear. I don’t know about you but I am such a mix! At times I feel like I have complete clarity and calm and then I am suddenly in the midst of being a hot mess. (Admittedly, there are times when hormones add to the hot mess, but I am pretty sure a lot of the mess is called being human.) Continue reading

When Our Kids Experience Pain & Disappointment

AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) believes that every kid who wants to play soccer should be able to play soccer. I second that! Team sports do so much for kids (and parents). However, after spending years of my life on soccer fields watching kids play soccer and their parents’ veins pop out of their fiery foreheads, I have wondered if kids may be learning more about how they do not want to behave than about how to play soccer! Continue reading